A $150 Billion Industry Comes To Life

Making more than Nike®, Google®, Starbucks® and the NFL® combined, human trafficking brings in over $150 billion a year. In fact, if it were a legitimate company, it would be #13 on the Fortune 500 list. Yet so many people still underestimate its reach in the U.S. We want to change that.

For one day, Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we are going to create a fake courier service, specialized in child trafficking, called “TrafficKING.”




TrafficKING in Traffic

We will run TrafficKING-branded trucks through rush-hour traffic in cities where human trafficking rates remain high.


Out of Home

To reinforce and extend the presence of this “corporation”, we will place billboards and bus boards along the same routes.




We will extend this into the digital space, putting ads on Waze and Facebook, further spreading awareness.

Branded Microsite

Everything will funnel back to a TrafficKING branded microsite where outraged consumers can learn about the human trafficking epidemic, see reports around their location, and find out ways they can help.


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